Campden Research supplies market insight on key sector issues for its client community and their advisers and suppliers. Through in-depth studies and comprehensive methodologies, Campden Research provides unique proprietary data and analysis based on primary sources.

Campden Research is provided directly to the Campden Wealth community, which includes more than 40,000 significant wealth holders. Targeted members of the Campden Wealth community receive reports upon publication and re-encounter the research when attending any of the 25+ events hosted annually by Campden Wealth, the Institute for Private Investors and Campden Family Connect. In addition, Campden Research Partners receive copies of the co-branded research report to share with their existing and prospective clients.
Campden Wealth is uniquely situated to support your business development strategy. The 72 high-impact research reports published in the past decade have been read by tens of thousands of wealth holders and wealth managers, driving countless client engagements for our research partners. Families trust Campden Wealth for its professionalism and discretion, which is why they seek out the actionable insight we deliver in cooperation with our research partners.

Research Partners have the opportunity to:
- Define the research scope with Campden Wealth’s expert research scientists, ensuring the report complements the organisation’s strategic marketing objectives
- Benefit from Campden Wealth’s extensive network of ultra-high-net-worth individuals, family offices and family businesses as it engages the wealth community in the research
- Access unique branding and thought leadership, utilising our global delivery platform
- Collaborate with Campden Wealth on a multi-level PR campaign, maximising brand exposure
- Receive editorial coverage across CampdenFB.com and Campden social media platforms
- Present key findings of the report at flagship Campden Wealth events attended by numerous ultra-high-net-worth individuals, family offices, family business executives and private investors